
Module 1 - Machine Learning for Product Managers

We have started an online course to educate Product Managers/ Business Managers about Machine learning. Machine Learning for Managers — Module 1 Subscribe to Youtube Channel —  Technomanagers What will you learn in this course? In this course, we will tell you how to turn the  business need into a machine learning problem , and then make a prototype out of it. If that performs well then how to deploy and productionise it. This course is divided into 6 modules. In the first module, we will see, see the introduction to machine learning In the second module, we will see when to say yes or no to machine learning. Machine learning is very mainstream nowadays so it is very important for a manager to know when to say yes and when to say no. In the third module, we will see how to use machine learning weapons. In the fourth module, we will see how to prepare the training data for machine learning, that’s the first step in developing any machine learning model. From there we will move on to our

How will you identify fake reviews on Flipkart? [Flipkart PM Ques]

Interviewer:   How will you identify fake reviews on Flipkart? What will you do to decrease them? Image source - Priyanka:  To get a better understanding of the problem, I would like to seek some clarification. Interviewer:  Yes, please go ahead. Priyanka:  Firstly I would like to clarify my understanding of Flipkart, it is an e-commerce platform where sellers interact with users and sell their products through the platform. Flipkart gets a commission from each sale made through its platform. It offers other services like travel booking, grocery etc. Interviewer:  Yes. Priyanka:  Now talking about fake reviews. Reviews are users’ opinions for a particular product which help other shoppers get a better understanding of the product. It usually contains text and might contain images also. For example — If a user buys a dress from Flipkart and finds it good they post a picture of the dress and write a review to describe their experience. With e-commerc

How to crack Product Management Interview like a PRO?

Preparing for  product management interviews  can be tricky and time-consuming. So it is very imperative to give the  right time to the right topic . In this article, we will choose a company and will see how can a candidate prepare for the upcoming product management interviews. We can divide the process into three steps: Step 1: Resume Making Process Resume-making can be a very tedious and time-consuming process that candidates often neglect. But don’t forget that it is the first step towards your success, so it has to be perfect. In general, the interviewer doesn’t have much time to read your resume so he generally starts from the top right to the bottom left. So making an impactful resume can make you stand out among the crowd. Some common mistakes by candidates while making a CV Writing CV points in a paragraph is one of the biggest mistakes you can do in your CV. There is a certain way in which the CV point has to be written. CV point should be of a single line and should start w

Day — 4 Google Product Interview Preparation

  Book a slot with Industry PMs for a Mock Interview  Here Book a slot for resume Review  Here  Book a slot for career guidance to get into PM  Here 1. How would you improve Google Maps? Interviewer:  How would you improve Google Maps? Shailesh:  Okay, first let me clarify my understanding of Google Maps, as it is a very big product. Google Maps provide a lot of functionality like Maps in different formats(Street view, Terrain view, normal View, etc.), navigation from one place to another place, it provides features for exploring nearby in which you can explore nearest ATMs, Cafes, Gas  station, etc and also it has the feature of a local guide in which you can contribute and earn some  points. This is my understanding of Google Maps. Do you want me to go ahead or do you want me to focus on something else which I haven’t mentioned?  Interviewer:  No this is good. Shailesh:  Okay before jumping onto the solution, I have some questions which I want to clarify. My first question is since G