How would you Improve Microsoft PowerPoint? [MAANG PM Interview Question]

Interviewer: You are a PM at Microsoft . How would you go about improving Microsoft PowerPoint ? Subscribe to our Youtube Channel Priyanka: I would like to ask some clarifying questions to understand the problem better. Interviewer: P lease go ahead. Priyanka: I would like to clarify my understanding of Microsoft PowerPoint so that we are on the same page. Microsoft offers a suite of products called Office which works on a subscription pricing model. It is used by working professionals and students across the globe. The suite includes products like Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Teams etc. Microsoft PowerPoint is a part of the Office suite and allows users to make presentations in a creative and collaborative manner . Interviewer: T hat is well - defined. Priyanka: W hen we think of improvement , it could be improving the user experience, improving monetisation, or getting more users . I would like to understand what the goal of...