
Showing posts with the label Guesstimate

Market size of driverless car - Guesstimate Questions for Interview

Guesstimate Questions for Interview: Estimate the market size of driverless cars in 2030? In this series, we will be covering common guesstimate interview questions with a complete solution. There is no single way to answer the guesstimate questions.  Clarifying Questions Understanding of Market Size? - Volume vs Revenue(Sales) per year Only driverless cars or other driverless automobiles as well? - Driverless Cars B2C or we are taking care of B2B as well? - B2B only Level of Automation? Fully Driverless or Partial assistance to the driver as well? Assuming it to be part of the luxury car segment (Price > 20L) Geography? India The goal is to identify the market size in the volume of B2C driverless cars which can be partially driverless as well in India High-Level Equation and Walkthrough of Solution

Estimate Youtube videos watched per day - Guesstimate Questions for Interview

Guesstimate Questions for Interview: Estimate the number of Youtube Videos watched per day? In this series, we will be covering common guesstimate interview questions with a complete solution. There is no single way to answer the guesstimate questions.  Clarifying Questions Understanding of Youtube Videos? - Long for of content or Short form like Reels are also considered as videos. Preference for any particular device? - Web or Mobile? Or all  Is specific Geography or Globally? - Globally So the goal is to calculate the number of long-form videos watched on youtube globally High-Level Equation and Walkthrough of Solution # of Youtube Videos watche

Estimate Restaurants in Bangalore Guesstimate Questions for Interview

  Guesstimate Questions for Interview: Estimate the number of Restaurants in Bangalore? In this series, we will be covering common guesstimate interview questions with a complete solution. There is no single way to answer the guesstimate questions.  Clarifying Questions Understanding of Restaurants? - Place where we can go, sit and eat meals. Cloud kitchens, Bakery shops etc will not count High-Level Equation and Walkthrough of Solution # of Restaurants in Bangalore = Area of Bangalore (KMs^2) * % area where Restaurants present * Density of Restaurants (Res/KMs^2) Estimation and Solution # of Rest

Guesstimate for Uber Product Management Interview [Uber Product Interview Experience]

Image source: Visit  Topic-wise  preparation &   Company-wise  preparation. Book a slot for a  Mock Interview  and  in-depth analysis All the links can be found on the homepage . 1. Estimate the market size for driverless cars in the USA by 2030. Interviewer:   Estimate the market size for driverless cars in the USA by 2030. Shailesh:   Ok, before I start solving, I would like to seek some clarification. When we are talking about market sizing, will it be by revenue or by the total no of users of the product? Interviewer:   You can assume it to be market sizing by no. of users. Shailesh :   Ok, Since we are talking about 2030, is it safe to assume that the technological advancements and legalities related to driverless cars will be ready by then? Interviewer:   Yes, that’s a fair assumption. Shailesh : When we talk about driverless cars, will they be fully automatic or semi-automatic? Interviewer:   You can assume it to be fully automatic. Shailesh : Also

Guesstimates for Product Interviews, Tips to ask clarification Questions

  Photo by  Antoine Dautry  on  Unsplash Guesstimates for Product Interviews, Tips to ask clarification Questions Estimate the number of Hotels | Estimate the number of users of Google Drive Estimate the number of hotels? Clarification Questions Understanding of Hotel Are we also including Airbnb, lodges or only hotels? [Only Hotels] Which geography are we talking about? [Bangalore] Overall Approach Define the area of Bangalore that will be around 600Km². Since there is a national park, a lot of lakes, forests, and wetlands so assuming that around ~50% of the area is there where a potential hotel can reside. So we are looking around an area of 300Km², we can divide this area into 3 parts according to the density, assuming a normal distribution of 25% highly dense for the hotel, 50% mid dense and the rest 25% is low dense. For highly dense that is closely around 75km², for a Km² we can have 5 hotels, that is around 375 hotels. For mid dense(150Km²), on an average, we have around 2.5Hote

Guesstimate for Google Product Management Interview [Google Product Interview Experience]

Photo by  Volkan Olmez  on  Unsplash 1. Number of Queries answered by Google per second? Interviewer:  Estimate the number of search query answered by Google per second ? Shailesh:  Okay Before I jump onto the solution, I have some questions which I want to get clarified. When we are estimating the number of search query, are we also taking care about search query for Gmail, Youtube, Google Maps or is it for Google search only? Interviewer:  For now you can focus only on the Google search. Shailesh:  Are we estimating the search query from a particular device like mobile or desktop or total number of search queries? Interviewer:  Across all the devices. Sha i lesh:  Are we focusing on a particular geography or globally ? Interviewer:  Globally. Shailesh:  Alright! let me iterate the goal of the problem. We want to estimate the number of search query per second answered by the Google search across all the devices globally. Interviewer:  Perfect Shailesh:  Okay let me give the overall st