
Showing posts from December, 2021

Guesstimates for Product Interviews, Tips to ask clarification Questions

  Photo by  Antoine Dautry  on  Unsplash Guesstimates for Product Interviews, Tips to ask clarification Questions Estimate the number of Hotels | Estimate the number of users of Google Drive Estimate the number of hotels? Clarification Questions Understanding of Hotel Are we also including Airbnb, lodges or only hotels? [Only Hotels] Which geography are we talking about? [Bangalore] Overall Approach Define the area of Bangalore that will be around 600Km². Since there is a national park, a lot of lakes, forests, and wetlands so assuming that around ~50% of the area is there where a potential hotel can reside. So we are looking around an area of 300Km², we can divide this area into 3 parts according to the density, assuming a normal distribution of 25% highly dense for the hotel, 50% mid dense and the rest 25% is low dense. For highly dense that is closely around 75km², for a Km² we can have 5 hotels, that is around 375 hotels. For mid dense(150Km²), on an average, we have around 2.5Hote