PM Prep
Product Interview Questions
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Machine Learning for Product Managers
Guesstimates - Set 1
Guesstimates - Set 2
Guesstimates - Set 3
Guesstimates - Set 4
Guesstimates - Set 5
Estimate the WhatsApp messages sent
Estimate the Length of the Road
Estimate the Number of people at the Airport
Estimate the Number of ATMs
Estimate the Number of Flights that take off from the Airport
Estimate the Number of Windows
Estimate the Cash Counter required at DMART
Estimate the Number of Airplanes in Air
Estimate the Number of Uber Rides
Estimate the Number of Shampoo Bottles Sold
Estimate the Weight of the Airplane
Estimate the Google Ads Revenue
Estimate Gmail Active Users in India
Estimate the Market size of Driverless cars in 2030
Estimate Number of Restaurants in Bangalore
Estimate the Number of YouTube videos watched
- Guesstimates - Set 1
- Guesstimates - Set 2
- Guesstimates - Set 3
- Guesstimates - Set 4
- Guesstimates - Set 5
- Estimate the WhatsApp messages sent
- Estimate the Length of the Road
- Estimate the Number of people at the Airport
- Estimate the Number of ATMs
- Estimate the Number of Flights that take off from the Airport
- Estimate the Number of Windows
- Estimate the Cash Counter required at DMART
- Estimate the Number of Airplanes in Air
- Estimate the Number of Uber Rides
- Estimate the Number of Shampoo Bottles Sold
- Estimate the Weight of the Airplane
- Estimate the Google Ads Revenue
- Estimate Gmail Active Users in India
- Estimate the Market size of Driverless cars in 2030
- Estimate Number of Restaurants in Bangalore
- Estimate the Number of YouTube videos watched
Product Design Questions
- Design Uber for Kids
- How would you design a product for moving cities?
- Design a library for the future
- Design Uber for Specially-abled People
- Design a digital shop
- Design YouTube for senior citizens
- Design a product for govt to improve the voting process
- Design a vending machine for hotels/motels
- Design a toothbrush for young children
- Design an elevator for blind people
- Design a shopping mart for a retirement home
Product Improvement Questions
- How would you improve your music listening experience on YouTube?
- How would you improve the shopping experience via Alexa?
- How would you improve Netflix?
- How would you improve WhatsApp?
- How would you improve Amazon?
- How would you improve LinkedIn?
- How would you improve the LinkedIn Endorsement feature?
- How would you improve Microsoft PowerPoint?
How would you improve Google Pay?
Metric Based Questions
Product Strategy Questions
Root Cause Analysis Questions
- Zomato has seen a 10% drop in engagement in User Generated Content on the Platform, Diagnose this?
- Google Pay has seen a 15% drop in Rewards Redemption on the Platform, Diagnose this?
- Amazon Marketplace Orders are down by 6% week on week on the Platform. Diagnose this?
- The response rate of LinkedIn Messages is Down by 5%, How would you go about this?
- Engagement on Netflix is down by 5%, How would you go about this?
- Open Rate of Amazon Notifications was down by 20%. How would you go about this?
- Uber pickups at the airport are down by 10%. How will you go about it?
- Zomato Conversion is down. How would you go about it?
- DAU of a mobile app by the service provider company is down. How would you go about it?
- 50% increase in the uninstall of a mobile banking app. How would you go about it?
- Cart conversion for Amazon is down. How would you go about it?
Technical Questions
- Design a URL shortener
- System Design Concepts for Product Managers - Part 1
- System Design Concepts for Product Managers - Part 2
- Technical Fundamentals for Product Managers - Part 1
- Technical Fundamentals for Product Managers - Part 2
- Technical Fundamentals for Product Managers - Part 3
- What is Chat GPT - The Next Generation AI?
Product Management Concepts
- How to crack product interviews like a pro?
- Security and hacking concepts for Product Managers
- Business Strategies for Product Managers
- UX Design Principles for Product Managers
- Product Management Metrics and Growth Hacking
- What is Product Lifecycle and Why it is important?
- What is the Product Development Lifecycle?
Product Interview Mocks
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