(Product + Business) Metrics = Product Management Metrics & Growth Hacking

Image source - Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

Product Management Metrics are the real backbone of a product life cycle. In this article, we will explore an exhaustive list of product management metrics that will include both business and product metrics.

  1. Customer Metrics
  2. Financial Management Metrics

Business Metrics

Revenue Metrics
  1. Annual Recurring Revenue: Annual Recurring Revenue is used to calculate expected revenue from all active subscriptions over a year.
    Annual Recurring Revenue(ARR) = Beginning ARR + (New ARR — Churn ARR) + (Upgrades ARR — Downgrades ARR)
  2. Average Revenue Per User: This is used to estimate the average revenue per user.
    Average Revenue Per User(ARPU) = Total Revenue in a period / Total Users in that period
  3. Customer Life Time Value: The present value of the future cash flow from a customer in its entire journey with the company.
    Customer Life Time Value(CLTV) = Average Revenue Per User per month * Average Lifetime of a customer (In Months) OR
    Customer Life Time Value(CLTV) = Average Revenue Per User per month / Churn Rate (in months)

Customer Metrics
  1. Customer Growth: This is used to estimate the rate at which customers are growing
    Customer Growth(Monthly) = Number of customers this month / Number of a customer last month
  2. Customer Acquisition Cost: This is used to calculate the expense of acquiring a new customer
    Customer Acquisition Cost = Cost of marketing & Sales / Total Number of Users
  3. User Stickiness: Daily Active Users(DAU)/ Monthly Active Users(MAU)
  4. Churn Rate: Average rate at which the customers are ending the relationship with the company.
    Churn Rate(Monthly) = Total Number of customers lost in month / Total Number of Customer

Financial Metrics
  1. Cash Runway: Total Number of months you can run your business with existing cash
    Cash Runway(Months) = Total Cash/ Monthly Burn Rate

Product Metrics

  1. Total Number of Downloads/Install of an application
  2. Total Number of Registration/Profile Completion in an application
  3. Average Amount of time spent by a User per session in the app
  4. Average Amount of sessions per user per week.
  5. Number of Screens per session per user.
  6. Average Rating on the play store
  7. Referral Rate
  1. WhatsApp — Number of Messages Send per day
  2. Amazon — Number of Purchase per month
  3. Airbnb — Number of Bookings per day
  4. Uber — Number of rides booked per day
  5. Slack — Daily Active Users
  6. Spotify — Time spend listening to music

Growth Hacking

Growth hacking is the technique used by the early-stage startups who don’t have many resources, and their aim is to maximise the Acquisition, Activation, Engagement, Referral, Revenue as much as they can.
Following techniques can be used for growth hacking

  1. Gamification: Gamification is a technique which can increase the required engagement. Since human beings are competitive by nature, they try to maximise their ranks, score, points etc.
  2. Social Media: Create your own channel on social media like Instagram, Facebook etc. and try posting content regularly
  3. There can be other hacks as well, like SEO hacks, Attractive landing pages, cross-posting etc.

-- TechnoManagers


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