How does Dark Web works? Security and Hacking concepts for Product Manager

1. How can criminals hold your computer for Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that can damage your computer; it is a piece of software code that locks or encrypts your important files until you pay the amount demanded by hackers. This type of malware comes via email or as an attachment to download. It exploits a flaw in the operating system and runs malicious code on your computer. Once this runs on your computer, it locks all your files and gets decrypted only when you pay the amount.

How can you prevent ransomware?

One of the most effective ways to protect from this kind of malware is to have high-security encryption in the operating system. Large organizations like hospitals, governments etc., are at high risk, so they should spend a great amount of money on their IT infrastructure. Another solution is to do a backup of your files to always restore the recent version.

How do people sell drugs online? What does it mean by dark web?

In 2013, the US government banned a website called Silkroad because it is a kind of amazon for illegal things like drugs, fake passports, guns etc. So how do these markets work? We are going to explore this.

Deep and Dark Web

People who are on the platform are anonymous because if police or government know their association with these things, then there are high chances of getting caught. But this is not enough; Computer’s unique IP address is also sufficient to track them down. So they use it with the help of the deep web.

Accessing the Dark Web

As mentioned, you need to have special software to use the dark web, one of the most commonly used software to visit the dark web is TOR (commonly known as The Onion Router). TOR wraps your information and communication in layers of encryption and bounces it around through different servers. Each of which knows only information like where it is coming from and where it is going, which makes it difficult to track. Marketplaces that are on the Dark web use Bitcoins as a currency.

How can public Wi-Fi steal your money?

Let’s take an example that while working, you go to Starbucks and realize that you need to connect to the Wi-Fi to send some email or see your bank statement. You see a public Wi-Fi and connect to the public Wi-Fi, boom your account got debited. Hackers often set up phony Wi-Fi which is designed to look like legitimate networks and try to dupe people into connecting to them. If you connect to a hacker’s network, that hacker’s route sits between you and every website you want to connect to, so it can read every bit of information being sent back and forth.

How does WhatsApp encrypt your message so thoroughly that even it can’t read them?



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