How would you measure the success of Google Drive?

Interviewer: How would you measure the success of Google Drive?

Shailesh: Sure, I will start by asking a few clarifying questions.
Interviewer: Please go ahead.

Shailesh: I will clarify my understanding of Google Drive. Google Drive is a cloud storage service offered by Google. It allows users to store files online be it text files, video files, spreadsheets etc. Then they can access them from any device with an internet connection. Users can also share files and folders with others, enabling collaboration on projects in real time. So this is what Google Drive is all about.
It is also in line with Google's mission of organizing information and making it easily accessible.
Interviewer: Sounds good.

Shailesh: Now that we know the goal of Google Drive,  let’s see what is the value sought by the stakeholders?

  • For Users: Users are able to Store, Manage and Access Files in a Storage System ( Google Drive ) and collaborate to become more productive right?

  • For Google: To be able to provide a Valuable Storage System in Google's ecosystem of tools and hook users for more storage and hence become paid users, adding to Google’s revenue.

So what is the intersection of the value, it is about a storage system which can be easily accessible.
Interviewer: So what do you think the North Star metric should be?

Shailesh: First let’s talk about the North Star Metric, North star metric should depict the long-term success of the company. It should contain the user value as well as the business value so that all the teams are aligned for this.
Interviewer: Aligned

Shailesh: The North Star metric should be the average worth of storage engaged per day or you can say Daily Active Storage. Here the engagement means adding a file, sharing the file, modifying the file etc.

Why it is a North Star Metric because if that is going up, that means users are finding the drive very useful, they are adding files into the drive, they are sharing with other people for better productivity, they are accessing the files from different locations.
Also if this metric is going up then there's a higher chance that users will move from Free usage for 15 GB to paid User and will aspire for more space.
Interviewer: That’s interesting. Now let’s break down the North Star Metric into different Levers.
What Those levers would be?

Shailesh: It is monthly active users, sessions per User, files engaged per session, and average file size. Let’s go in and see some L1 metrics.

  • Apart from Monthly Active users, we will also track New User Growth, this will tell if my top of the funnel is growing or not, are we acquiring more people and making them activated.

  • The other metric which we would track is Weekly Active users divided by Monthly Active Users, this will tell if we are able to retain people. That means out of all the Monthly Active users, how many of them are active in a week also.

  • The other metric which we would track is the User Churn at let's say 6 months level, how many users haven’t come back after 6 months. That means they are not finding it useful, or they are using Google Drive as just the dumping Yard.

The other set of metrics I will track is about the session length and Abandoned Sessions. Why this is an important metric is because if their session length is higher that means they are finding it useful and for each and everything they are sort of using drive.
But Abandoned session as in, they come to the Drive but don’t engage with it, that means not opening any file, not adding any file, doing nothing.
This means they are not finding it useful, either the discoverability, searchability or navigation is poor in the Goole Drive of Files.

Now moving forward, here we would measure some of the metrics like % of files users haven’t engaged within the last 6 months, or what’s the % of overall Paid Storage.
Another metric would be on average how much % of space is occupied per user.

Lastly, we would also want to track some of the metrics related to the file type or the average file size. Are people using the drive for all sorts of things or not? What's the Video split etc.
Interviewer: That’s interesting. What are some counter-metrics?

Shailesh: One of the counter metrics would be the average number of daily complaints or support tickets. The other metric could be % of upload or download failures per day.

Metrics for Google Drive

Interviewer: Good, we can wrap now.

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