
Showing posts from June, 2024

How would you measure the success of Google Calendar?

Interviewer: How would you measure the success of Google Calendar? Shailesh: First I would like to discuss what is Google Calendar, what’s the value proposition of Google Calendar and what is the business model of Google Calendar so that we have clarity about the product. Interviewer: Sounds good. Shailesh: Google Calendar is a Productivity tool for anyone who wants to stay organized, manage their time effectively and collaborate with other people.  To clarify, we are thinking about the Google Calendar as a standalone product, not as a part of Google Suite. Interviewer: Aligned. Book PM / Consulting Mock Interview Resume Review Shailesh: Now that we know what’s the goal of Google Calendar. It’s important for us to know about its main stakeholders and what the value Google Calendar is providing to them. Until and unless we are not able to identify the value provided to the stakeholders, it’s very difficult to define the metrics for the success. So there are two stakeholders Users

How would you measure the success of Airbnb? [PM Interview Question]

  Interviewer: How would you measure the success of Airbnb? Shailesh: I will start by asking a few clarifying questions. First I would like to clarify my understanding of Airbnb. Then we will discuss what the value proposition of Airbnb is and what is the business model of Airbnb so that we are on the same page about the product. Interviewer: Sounds good. Book PM / Consulting Mock Interview Resume Review Shailesh: Airbnb is a Marketplace that connects people who want to rent out their property with people who are looking for some accommodation for a shorter duration. Airbnb aims to provide a homelike and local experience to the people so that they get a flavour of the place. Interviewer: That’s well explained. Shailesh: Now that we know what’s the goal of Airbnb, it’s important for us to know about its main stakeholders and what’s the value Airbnb is providing to them. Unless we are not able to identify the value provided to the stakeholders, it’s very difficult to define the metric