What are target customer segments?

What are target customer segments and explain using a target customer group example? Digital Product Management - 4 In this article, we will learn about the target customer segments. We will see a sample example of the target customer segment with the help of the customer persona. This is the S econd element of Product Strategy. In the last article, Digital Product Management - 3 , we learnt about elements of Product Strategy and discussed the first element which is product vision. What is Customer target Segmentation? (2nd Element of Product Strategy) Customer target segmentation is the process of segmenting the target customer based on different characteristics like geography, Demography, Psychography and Behavior. These characteristics help us to identify what is the exact customer we want to target. This helps us to provide the correct value proposition to the customer. The four major segments are as follows: Demographic The demographic is one of the major characteristics that def...